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COOPERA concluding conference, 4-5 July 2024

On July 4-5, 2024, was organized Concluding Conference within the Erasmus+ project “COOPERA – Integrating Dual Higher Education in Moldova and Ukraine” (Reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE- SP), co-financed by the European Union.

The event was organized with the physical presence of partner institutions from Moldova, Ukraine together with European partners at the premises of the Academy of Economic Studies from Moldova (ASEM), the coordinating institution of the COOPERA project.

The conference was opened with a speech, given by Olesea SIRBU, Coordinator of the COOPERA project, Vice-Rector for International Relations, with a presentation of the objectives achieved, the activities carried out and the main results of the project, followed by the greeting message and thematic content from Mrs. Nadeja VELIȘCO, General Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova.

The work within the two-days was divided into working sessions where the first working session was dedicated to Dual Higher Education development trends from European and National perspectives. During the Session 1, representatives of European  partner institutions presented the newest initiatives in the field of Dual Higher Education realised in Germany, Bulgaria, Spain and Poland, followed by the presentation of national legislative framework development in Moldova and Ukraine, realised by   Lilia PARHOMENCO, Head direction, Directorate for Public Policy Coordination and European Integration, Ministry of Education and Research, Republic of Moldova and Oleksandra LAKTIONOVA, State expert of Higher and Adult Education, Directorate of pre-higher and higher education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, delivered online.

The second working session was dedicated to the integration of dual higher education in higher education institutions of Moldova and Ukraine, moderated by Ludmila STIHI, dr., conf. univ., Management and Entrepreneurship Department, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. The experts from Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Technical University of Moldova, Free International University of Moldova, Uzhhorod National University, KROK University, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and Odessa National Economic University have presented the results of dual study programs’ piloting, obtained during 2023-2024 academic year, main obstacles occurred. The special attention was paid to feedback from stakeholders involved in piloting of the programs and recommendations on improving the integration of the model on institutional and national levels.

The second day of the event was dedicated to practical sessions. Partners participated at HANDS-ON WORKSHOP dedicated to elaboration of recommendations to mainstream integration of dual higher education on national and institutional perspective, followed by interaction loops realized between representatives of teaching staff, employers and students, involved in piloting of dual study programs. The event was concluded by the question and answers session.

To find out more, please consult the PROGRAMME of the event.