The consortium of the ERASMUS+ project “INTEGRATING DUAL HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOLDOVA AND UKRAINE – COOPERA”, (reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) has met for the 5th Consortium meeting, organized by the project Grant coordinator, the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. The meeting has been realized online via ZOOM platform on March 15th 2022.
The event was attended by representatives of the working teams from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM), the Technical University of Moldova (UTM), the International Free University of Moldova (ULIM), the National University of Uzhhorod (UzhNU), the KROK University (KROK) Kyiv, National University “V.N. Karazin” in Kharkiv (KKNU), Odessa National University of Economics (ONEU), Baden-Wurttemberg State Cooperative University (DHBW) in Germany, University of Lleida (UdL) in Spain, WSB Academy (AWSB) in Poland, Varna University of Management (VUM) from Bulgaria.
The main objective of the event is to analyze the performances achieved in the first two years of the realization of the COOPERA project and outline the tasks and directions of activity in the future. During the meeting, the project coordinator – Dr. Olesea SÎRBU presented the operational plan, the achievements obtained by the partner universities from the Republic of Moldova in the piloting of dual programs, as well as in the elaboration and adoption of the legal framework in the field of dual higher education. Andrii LOTARIEV, institutional coordinator of the COOPERA project from the KROK University in Ukraine and national coordinator in Ukraine described the current state of legal framework development and piloting of dual programs by the Partner Universities in Ukraine at the national level.
In order to see a detailed information, please see MINUTES of the meeting.