Online Seminar organized by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University / GERMANY/ 28.01.2022
On January 28, 2022, an online seminar was organized by the Baden-Wuerttemberg State Cooperative University of Germany (DHBW), where partners of the ERASMUS + project “Integration of Dual Higher Education in Moldova and Ukraine – COOPERA”, reference number: 617490- EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, funded by the European Union took part.
The online seminar has been attended by the Partner Universities from Moldova and Ukraine with the support of European Colleagues.
The seminar was conducted in an interactive manner, with presentations by academic staff from Germany followed by question and answer sessions. Prof. Weislämle and Prof. Dr. Fehlner spoke about Baden-Wuerttemberg State Cooperative University and about the experience of implementing dual education at the level of undergraduate curricula.
Vocational higher education is a developing paradigm, focused on the practical application of scientific research, so the study programs are more focused on practical aspects, specific to specialties. Particular importance is given to collaboration between the university and industry. Cooperative higher education is a synergy between academic studies and on-the-job training. At Baden-Wuerttemberg State Cooperative University, the studies are realised as follows: 3 months of intensive academic studies take place at the university followed by 3 months of internship at one of the 9000 partner companies of the university. The university has about 700 full-time professors and 9,000 full-time lecturers. The practice allows students to better understand the future profession, to obtain the necessary professional skills from college. Thus, during the 6 semesters of study, the student spends 50% of his time at university and obtains 150 credits, and 50% of his time is in practice within the company and obtains 60 credits. The employability of graduates is very high (85-95%). Also, the dropout rate is very low, about 10%.
The tools for ensuring the quality of dual studies at this university consist of regular evaluations of students, curriculum development in partnership with companies, regular consultations between academia and partner companies and evaluation of student.
Dual Education gives student an excellent opportunity to test their skills in their chosen career, financial independence (during the internship the student receives a salary), teachers are both from the university and from companies, the experience gained during the internship is useful for the future career. From the companies perspective, realisation of dual education studies give them possibility to observe in advance the abilities of students they work with and detect their talents, corporate socialization of the young generation of qualified employees takes place.
For more information please take a look at the PROGRAMME.