Study visit to the University of Lleida, 11-15 March 2024

Between 11-15 March 2024 within COOPERA project ′′Integration of dual higher education in Moldova and Ukraine” (reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) has been organized and realized Study Visit to the University of Lleida, Spain. At the Study Visit have participated members of university working groups, experts involved in implementation of dual higher education programs and university management responsible for elaboration and adoption of regulations from Partner Universities from Moldova and Ukraine, together with representatives from Ministry of Education and Research from Moldova and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine responsible for national reform, supported by EU partner experts.
During the study visit, the participants made a visit to Parc Agrobiotec Lleida, a university scientific and technological platform with the presence of companies. During the visit, director Miquel Aran presented the main areas and fields of activity of the present companies and the activities carried out in partnership with the University of Lleida in the dual study programs.
Furthermore, programme of the study visit foreseen the visits to the Fundació Eurecat and IRTA – FRUIT Centre, bonArea, Corporació Agroalimentària de Guissona, university partner in the implementation of the dual study program at master’s level. During the meeting, the basic activities of the partner company, the advantages of implementing the dual program with UdL, statistical data on the salary and employment of students after the completion of the study period were presented. At the same time, a discussion panel was organized with mentors from the partner company, involved in the dual education program with the presentation of the results directly by employed students.
The second part of the visit was dedicated to the exploitation of the project results based on the UdL practice. COOPERA partners as well had a chance to learn about contribution of companies and society within the University of Lleida and the industrial doctorate programs and activities related to entrepreneurship within the UdL. Separate attention was paid to legislative framework of Spain and the Catalonia region regarding the implementation of dual higher education.
For more information, please take a look at the PROGRAMME of the visit.