COOPERA Expert Workshop, Edition 2
On November 3rd, 2022 in Chisinau has been organized and realised the second COOPERA Expert Workshop in framework of the ERASMUS+ project “Integrating Dual Higher Education in Moldova and Ukraine – COOPERA” (reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1- MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP), coordinated by the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.
At the opening of the event, Mrs. Nadejda VELIȘCO, Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Alexandru STRATAN, university professor, PhD, corresponding member of ASM, Rector of the Academy of Economic Studies from Moldova, Mrs. Olesea SIRBU, Vice-Rector for International Relations and European Projects, Coordinator of the COOPERA project, highlighted the importance of dual higher education.
The event was organized in a hybrid format, with the physical presence of partners from the universities of Moldova, Ukraine and Poland. Other Partner institutions of the COOPERA project from Spain, Germany, Ukraine, Bulgaria participated online at event.
During the event, the achievements obtained in the field of dual higher education in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine were presented. The representatives of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, the Technical University of Moldova, the Free International University of the Republic of Moldova presented the main achievements within the piloting of the implemented dual higher education programs. Partners from Ukraine, namely KROK University, National University “V.N. Karazin” from Kharkiv and the National University of Economics from Odessa, presented the general description of the dual higher education model implemented by the Universities.
The participants discussed the joint efforts in the process of implementing the dual education system at the higher education level and the problems involved in the piloting of the Dual programs.
In order to find our more, please consult the PROGRAMME of the event.
The Presentation realised by the COOPERA partners, can be found below:
- COOPERA 2nd EW / 05.11.2022/ MECRRM – Lilia PARHOMENCO
- COOPERA 2nd EW / 05.11.2022/ P3-ULIM – Valentina CIUMACENCO
- COOPERA 2nd EW / 05.11.2022/ P1-ASEM – Lilia COVAS
- COOPERA 2nd EW / 05.11.2022/ P2-TUM – Viorica SUDACEVSCHI
- COOPERA 2nd EW / 05.11.2022/ P13-AWSB-Rafał RĘBILAS